I'm Syariful Musthofa.

I'm a Data Analyst & Machine Learning Enthusiast. With ability to develop model machine learning and data driven decision making. This is my personal website showcasing variety of my latest ventures on stuff I'm doing!

What I Do

Data Analyst

Making data to driven decision making

Data analysis to enable data-driven decision-making. Have experience and have used SQL, Excel, Python, Tableau, & etc.

Machine Learning Engineer

CreatingML models to solve real world problems.

Building ML models, starting from data analysis, model development, and deployment according to business understanding.

Front-End Web Developer

Develop front-end of a website.

Develop PWA (progressive web application) using HTML, Vanila CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Node Package Manager (NPM), Node.Js, & etc.

Featured Portofolios


CoffeeBid is a revolutionary marketplace platform that aims to transform the marketing of coffee products, benefiting both coffee farmers and buyers. This repository contains the source code and documentation for the CoffeeBid application.

Employee Retention Rate Analytics - Human Resource (HR) Department

Data science project on case studies of problems in the Human Resources (HR) Department.

Music Recommendation System [Spotify Dataset]

Machine learning project using the Content Based Filtering algorithm to help provide music recommendations to users based on genre.

Students' Performance Analysis

Data Science Project: Students' Dropout and Academic Success Analysis.

Diabetes Predictive Analytics

Machine learning project using Random Forest Classification and Hyperparameter Tuning Grid Search to predict whether someone suffers from diabetes or not.

Emotion Analysis Using NLP Classification Methods

Machine learning project using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to predict a person's emotions.

TaniCerdas Apps 🌱

TaniCerdas is an application based on AI with a web platform that is here to help solve problems in the agricultural sector. This application was built using the DenseNet1212 transfer learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture with Tensorflow.

Diamond Price Prediction💎

Predictive Analytics Portfolio Project: Case Study of Diamond Price Prediction. This case aims to predict diamond prices based on several special features. These features include carat, size, cut shape, color and clarity level of diamonds

Brazillian E-Commerce Data Analysis

Brazillian E-Commerce Data Analysis is a data analyst project which is a project to carry out data analysis to find out important insights in the data, including customers market segmentation, sellers market segmentation, order status performance, payments type trend, customer satisfaction, and RFM Analysis. The stages of this project include Business Understanding, Project Preparation, Data Understanding, and Exploratory Data Analysis. This repository contains the source code and documentation for the CoffeeBid application.

Jendela Dunia

Jendela Dunia App is a Progressive Web App (PWA) built to help book readers predict and monitor their book reading progress.